30 years Mokum Records goes Switzerland

Le Zoo s’efforce à être un espace safe. Les actions ou étalage des comportements suivants ne sont pas tolérés : racisme, sexisme, transphobie, homophobie, misogynie, discriminations, intolérances ainsi que l’irrespect des règles de consentement. Notre staff est formé, et là pour toi. N’hésite pas à nous solliciter. Les photos et vidéos ne sont pas permises […]
30 Years Mokum Records goes Paris

— MOKUM 30 YEARS ANNIVERSARY — Le mythique label gabber et hardcore Mokum fête ses 30 ans au Trabendo pour son unique date à Paris avec le crew Casual Gabberz Records. PROGRAMMATION ➔ Amarguet Nad➔ Chosen Few➔ Krampf & Paul Seul➔ Tellurian➔ The Twins Artcore VS Formek BILLETS Préventes : 20€➔ https://shotgun.live/fr/events/mokum-30-years-anniversarySur place : 22€ Trabendo 211 Av. Jean […]
30 Years Mokum Records

Mokum Records was founded 30 years ago by a group of passionate musicians and music lovers who wanted to create a platform for the best underground dance music. In the early days, the label started small, with just a handful of local DJs and producers releasing vinyl records. But as their reputation grew, so did […]
25 Years Cenobite Records

1996 – 2021 Established in 1996, Cenobite Records has been an undeniable force in driving the evolution and promotion of hardcore psycore music. With its relentless beats, fierce energy, and uncompromising sound, the label has captivated enthusiasts worldwide.Now, as Cenobite Records reaches its 25th year milestone, the 25 Years Jubilee stands as a testament to […]