30 Years DJ Delirium

DJ Delirium from New York USA is 30 years in Hardcore Scene !!! 30 years ago, my #1 dream in life was to release a Hardcore Techno record. The first person and label to ever give me an opportunity was Lenny Dee and Industrial Strength Records It was 1993! I am forever grateful!! I was […]

GABBER MAFIA BOGOTÁ se complace en anunciar POR TERECERA VEZ su evento internacional.. un evento EXCLUSIVO , único en su clase…. presentando a Michel Klassen ( DJ LEVIATHAN a.k.a TELLURIAN ) desde Ámsterdam por primera vez en Bogotá y latino América.Un artista épico en la escena de del EARLY HARDCORE (GABBER ) de la casa […]
MIxcloud DJ Live stream platform

Yes You can have a free account Unlimited free uploads for dj’s But if you want to live stream you need a PRO account . They are working on Live Video ( Beta Version is running now for Pro users ) This is the only legal platform as far as we know so no take […]
25 Years Ruffneck Records

Pretty proud that DJ Leviathan is on the Line-up !

After many experiences with other music genres, such as psytrance and big beat, he restarted with hardcore sound.